Welcome to the Library!
Hours of Operation: 7:00 am-2:45 pm.
NHS Tutoring is available Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 2:30-3:00pm.
(3:00pm close time is limited to students being tutored).
Fun Fridays: First Friday/Third Friday
Join us during all 3 lunches to play with your friends. Board games, card games, puzzles & coloring pages provided.
Library Policies:
Sign in at the front of the LMC.
- The school library is primarily an academic space.
- Please be respectful of those who are working-keep your voices low.
- Using the library before school/after school/during lunch is a privilege.
- Phones, headphones, earbuds, are banned in the LMC. No warnings.
- Do NOT bring FOOD to the library. Water bottles and cups with lids are fine.
- Students with food will be asked to leave and will lose their library privileges.
- Loud/disruptive students will be asked to leave and will lose their library privileges.
- Chromebooks are available in the LMC with a physical school ID card.
- It is the district's IT policy not to service personal phones/electronics.
Patriot Time: Tuesday, Thursday-Flex pass
The number of students in the LMC is capped using the Flex Pass system.
Paper passes are not accepted during Patriot Time.
Phone Policy: Phones are banned. This includes headphones, earbuds. No warnings, no exceptions.
Printer/Book Catalog:
Printing is available via our print station.
Need to find a book? The Destiny Catalog computer is available.
Chromebooks are available with a student ID card. Library use only.
Study Rooms (2):
The 2 study rooms are available for small group work (limit 4).
Ask your teacher to sign you up using the Electronic Sign-up Form.
Green Screen Room:
The Green Room is available through teacher sign-out for video/audio recordings (limit 2).
The Patriot News Staff has first priority. Have a staff member check the sign-in sheet for details.
Once it has been signed-out by your teacher, ask the library staff for access.
See you in the LMC!
Librarian: Mrs. Hart Para: Mrs. Giroux