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Franklin Counseling Department

About Us

At the Guidance Office in Franklin High School, we are committed to creating an atmosphere that supports the academic and personal growth of each student that steps through our door.  We are very happy to help students with the following issues: 

 To make an appointment with your counselor click HERE.

  • Planning out their four years at Franklin High School
  • Developing a plan for after graduation
  • Career advising
  • Finding information on colleges
  • Providing scholarship and financial aid information
  • Questions about major tests like the SAT, ACT, or AP exams
  • Academic success strategies
  • Personal Issues



  • Conflicts (two classes which meet the same hour)
  • Incomplete schedules (schedules with less than six hours of study)
  • Failure of a class
  • Changes due to summer school work
  • Placement as a volunteer in Community Service Program
  • Level of a course is inappropriate
  • Individual circumstances supported by student/parent rationale, or the recommendation of an IEP or EPT

To REQUEST a SCHEDULE CHANGE from your counselor click HERE.

Guidance Office Information

Please dial 734-744-2655, and use our extensions to reach us by phone.  For non-urgent matters, please feel free to contact us by email. 

Guidance Counseling Secretary

Mrs. Katherine Miller / / ext. 47950

Guidance Counselors

Mrs. Ingram / / ext. 47951 /  Last Names   A-Dots

Mr. McCalister / / ext. 47952 / Last Names  Doul-Koro

Mrs. Hall / / ext. 47953 / Last Names  Kosk-Rain

Mrs. Williams / / ext. 47955 / Last Names   Rami-Z

Support Staff

Mrs. Ellwein / / Psychologist / ext. 79521

Ms. Frank / / Student Assistance / ext. 79758

Mrs. Horback / / English Learners / ext. 79534

Mrs. Radley / / Speech & Language / ext. 79534

Ms. Taylor/ / Social Worker /

Mrs. Miller/ / Social Worker /


The Schoolcraft Award of Excellence and Trustee Scholarships are now available on their website.  Follow the link for more information.


Class of 2025 - Check out this presentation regarding the next steps after high school.  Make sure to bookmark it as it contains some very important information.

Post Secondary Planning Presentation




Upcoming Events

FAFSA for current seniors will open on or before December 1, 2025.  Use the link below for information on creating your FSA ID:

Creating Your FAFSA ID

FAFSA Workshops 

FHS Seniors and Families: 

The Guidance Department has invited a financial aid representative from Oakland University to share information and assist with completing the FAFSA.

Please register for your preferred presentation date below to receive a link to join.

January 28, 2025 @ 6:00

January 29, 2025 @ 6:00

February 5, 2025 @ 6:00