Our School
Our School
FHS Building Information
31000 Joy Rd.
Livonia, MI 48154
Phone: 734-744-2655
Fax: 734-744-2657
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Welcome to Franklin High School
Teaming Together to Ensure Learning For All
Franklin High School has long served as a cultural and learning center for both the Livonia and Westland communities. Our doors first opened in 1962 and we celebrated our first graduating class in 1964. During the past forty plus years, over twenty thousand students and hundreds of staff members have connected to provide a rich and vibrant history.
Franklin High School is a comprehensive high school that services students in grades nine through twelve. Our pupil enrollment is approximately 1,800 and there are over ninety faculty members. Our total staff numbers over 180. We operate on a traditional school day of six class periods that meet every day and our campus is a closed campus which means students eat their lunch at school. The student daily schedule runs from 7:25 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. Our daily average attendance is 94.5%
The strength of Franklin High School rests within the people that make up the Franklin community. We have a highly competent, caring, and professional staff and our students earn all types of academic, athletic, artistic, and leadership awards. Co-curricular programs play a significant role in our educational experience. Also counted among our strengths is the commitment and dedication of our wonderfully supportive parental community.
The Livonia Public Schools District is a closed school district and does not accept students outside of its designated geographical boundaries. Students are assigned to Franklin based upon their residency within the District boundaries. Those school boundaries are determined by the Board of Education. Transfers from within the school district must be approved through central office authorities.
Based upon senior exit interviews, approximately 90% of our students will continue their educational efforts through two and four year colleges. The majority of our graduates attend Schoolcraft Community College.
FHS Administrators
ext. 47902
Mr. DiPonio - Assistant Principal
ext. 47913
Students whose last name begins with A-G
- Attendance Office
- Registration
- Change of address or phone number
- Immunizations
- Residence issues/school boundaries
Mr. Gerathy - Assistant Principal
ext. 47910
Students whose last name begins with H-O
- Scheduling Office
- Academic letters
- Background checks
- Buses
- Honor Roll Lists
- Locker issues
- Report card/Progress reports
- Student schedules
- Substitutes
- Parent/Student Connect
Mrs. Collins - Assistant Principal
ext. 47904
Students whose last name begins with P-Z
- Business Office
- Bookkeeper
- Building issues, usage
- Free and reduce lunch forms
- Student parking
ext. 47916
- Athletic opportunities
- Game schedules
- Contact coaches
- Physical forms
- Pay to play
Guidance Office and Program Contacts
Counseling Office: 734-744-2655, ext. 47950
Mrs. Ingram / ext. 47951 / Last Names A-DUGA
Mr. McCalister / ext. 47952 / Last Names DUHR-KISZ
Mrs. Hall / ext. 47953 / Last Names KLEC-RENA
Mrs. Williams / ext. 47955 / Last Names RENB-Z
Guidance Office Functions
- Confirmation of graduate status
- Student records
- Transcripts
Franklin Programs